Writer-director David Mamet once wrote that The Godfather, A Place in the Sun, Dodsworth, and Galaxy Quest were four “perfect movies”.
Toni, in coming up with this grand pop-up plan to send folks to an extended version of the Christmas chalk-talk, said to Byron, “Just leave out the little stuff.” Let’s be honest though, Byron’s OCD probably won’t let him leave ANYTHING off, especially not Galaxy Quest.
It’s the perfect casting, the perfect balance between comedy and sincerity, and has fantastic special effects. Galaxy Quest is the BEST Star Trek movie, even above Wrath of Khan. We’ll fight you if you say otherwise. Seeing it at the Alamo Drafthouse, our favorite place to see films, even after being bought out by Sony Pictures and adding all those annoying trailers at the beginning like those OTHER theaters.
If you haven’t seen it, please do so. If you have seen it and don’t like it, just keep it to yourself. We definitely judge you.